Be A Manager — The Quidditch Premier League

Would you like to start 2020 with a new challenge? Would you like to be at the head of one of our seventeen regional Quidditch Premier League teams? Then apply to be a manager! To do so, you need to email with an email about yourself, your motivations, and your experience.

Applications are open until January 14th, 2020. Geographical restrictions do not apply for 2020 managers, so please denote your first choice team and a secondary team in your application.

Managers receive a free kit as a thank you for being part of the season! This represents around 50% of the QPL player fee, so we’re delighted to be able to offer this perk for 2020.


We're looking for seventeen managers for the 2020 season. The role includes:

  • Selecting players for your team and your team - as before, managers can be playing or non-playing.

  • Selecting your team's on-pitch captain (or if you're going to be a leader - it's your team!)

  • Attending one in-person tryout, on the weekend of 29th February/1st March, or appointing someone to run them in your place

  • Arrange for potential players to be scouted (by yourself or appointees) where possible throughout February events

  • Review submitted video footage from players who cannot attend in-person tryouts or be scouted during February

  • Representing the Quidditch Premier League to potential sponsors and media.

  • Organising trainings as you feel necessary in the run-up to the season.

  • Being the communication point between our staff and the players on your team.

  • Working with us to collect your team's kit orders which we will then collate centrally.

If you have any questions about the role, feel free to shoot us at email at, and we'll be happy to help!

Geographical restrictions do not apply for 2020 managers, so please denote your first choice team and a secondary team in your application.

If you have a previous experience in organising and managing teams in quidditch, then that will be very helpful, but most importantly we want to put these teams in the hands of people who love them! Show us your passion, show us your enthusiasm, and show us why you should be one of the most important jobs in our league.

As a manager, your central team will work with local sponsorship opportunities and local press coverage for your team. The job requires a certain level of commitment, so be prepared for a challenge, but our team will be there to help you and your team. You will also be armed with feedback from the past season, so you will know what you are looking for.

And, finally, if you'll be able to challenge for the 2020 Quidditch Premier League trophy with your regional team, and you could take your place in history.

Sound good? Send an email (to show your passion for the role) to, let us know which team you want to manage and a secondary option, and apply now! Applications are open until January 14th, 2020.