Quidditch is the world’s only full-contact, mixed-gender sport.


Quidditch is played in over 40 countries by 25,000 players. A unique blend of the familiar and innovative, quidditch has captured the hearts and minds of athletes on a worldwide scale.


With university, regional, and national teams, the sport is getting bigger with each passing year. As a full-contact sport based around high intensity bursts of athleticism, quidditch showcases a range of skills to thrill any spectator.

uniquely inclusive

As the only full-contact, mixed-gender sport in the world, quidditch is built around inclusivity. Not only is gender diversity encouraged by a mandated maximum of any one gender on pitch, but the sport actively encourages self-identification and genders outside the traditional binary, making the sport incredibly popular among transgender and non-binary athletes.

How does it work?

A quidditch team consists of 18 athletes with 7 players per team on the field at any one time. Each player must be mounted on a broom when in play. The four maximum rule of quidditch states that at most there can be four players of the same gender on pitch at one time. This ensures that the game is mixed gender and inclusive to all.

Player Positions

Team Makeup Graphic.png

Chasers throw the quaffle through the opposite team’s hoops to score goals worth 10 points.

Keepers guard the hoops from opposing chasers and become a 4th chaser on offense.

Beaters throw bludgers at the opposing team to ‘knock them out’ and make them return to their hoops.

Seekers catch the snitch to earn 30 points and end the game.

Game Setup

A game of quidditch involves three types of balls:

One quaffle (a semi-deflated volleyball thrown through the hoops by chasers and keepers)

Three bludgers (dodgeballs thrown at other players by beaters)

One snitch (a sock with a tennis ball in it, attached to a snitch-runner’s shorts. Seekers catch the snitch to end the game.

Pitch Setup.png