Epione To Provide Medical Services For 2018 Season — The Quidditch Premier League

Epione To Provide Medical Services For 2018 Season


The Quidditch Premier League are proud to announce that Epione Medical Services will continue to act as the League’s exclusive medical partner in the 2018 season. The contract means that players in the Quidditch Premier League will receive Epione’s exemplary medical care at events.

‘Epione have proven time and time again that they are the market leaders in care for the quidditch community, most recently at the 2018 British Quidditch Cup,’ said Jack Lennard, Director of the Quidditch Premier League. ‘We’re delighted to have them with us again for the year ahead, and know that our players will be in very safe hands.’

‘We are very happy to be able to support the Quidditch Premier League with high quality medical cover again,’ said Epione’s Director, Paul Kizintas. ‘We are  glad to see it’s growing and looking forward to seeing the new teams in action!’

The Quidditch Premier League will also adopt the injury and demographic data collection introduced for the regular QuidditchUK season. All players will have to fill out a mandatory series of demographic questions, and all injuries sustained at Quidditch Premier League events will be recorded. This will further our mission to bring a comprehensive and full understanding of medical priorities within the sport, at every level.
