In our series interviewing the partners of the Quidditch Premier League, Jack Lennard sat down with the crew of Chess Club Consulting, who helps players improve their gameplay on the pitch.
Great to meet you!
Nice to meet you too! Thanks for having us!
So what does Chess Club Consulting do?
At Chess Club Consulting, we work with teams and individual players to help improve on field performance through personalized strategy sessions. Oftentimes this involves breaking down film, scouting opponents, and/or diagramming new offensive or defensive ideas. We realize the most efficient way to make improvements on in-game performance is to align on clear and attainable points of emphasis in practice, so much of our time is spent making sure that all of our clients focus on working smarter during practice on exactly what will make them better.
After all, the overall goal of Chess Club Consulting is to help drive the sport of quidditch forward by helping everyone play the game in the most efficient way possible.
Why would the insights matter?
Above all, it is about helping teams reach their potential.
Imagine the raw power of a car’s engine. On its own, it can help power the machine forward; yet with no direction or guidance, it is a blunt force. With strategy consultation and help, that engine can have its power diverted to be more effective, maneuverable and, ultimately, function better.
What would you say are your core values?
Our core values are Growth, Innovation, and Efficiency. The heart of our purpose is to help clients and the sport grow through innovative, strategic solutions that enable the sport to be more fun, competitive, and marketable as teams find the most efficient way to win games and have success.
What has the team been up to recently?
We have been playing this summer as a part of Major League Quidditch, and working on developing more strategy-related materials to help the community move forward. We are really proud of our partners and colleagues across the globe. They have worked incredibly hard to hone their craft - whether they were representing their countries this summer on Team Turkey or Team Australia, or taking the next step toward qualifying for USQ Nationals, it was great to see everyone improve. You can read about it here.
So what are your longer-term goals for the future?
Longer term we’d like to have a wider network of partners across not just the US, but the whole world. This summer has been an excellent example of the quality of international quidditch that we should expect going forward, and we at Chess Club Consulting see ourselves as a major driver in helping teams continue to progress and separate themselves strategically from the pack.
That is all - thank you for your time!
It’s been a pleasure!
For more information on their services, check them out on their website, or send them an email at
Check them out on Facebook